
Making Your Own Healthy Remedies Skin Care

Healthy Remedies Skin Care

Many commercial skin care contain minimal amounts of beneficial ingredients. But more importantly, these products contain harmful ingredients well. In fact, these ingredients harmful to denying the health claims contained in these products. By making your own healthy remedies skin care, you can maintain quality control and save a small fortune.

Before giving the recipe for a skin care routine natural, let’s look at some of the less desirable to avoid:

  1. Mineral Oil is an oil and is found in many beauty products. In fact, dry skin, which is the last thing you want. Mineral oil coats the skin and prevents “sweating.” Is comparable to putting a plastic cover on your skin. Mineral oil prevents absorption of vitamin D and prevents the release of toxins from the skin through sweat.
  2. Dioxane, which is a synthetic derivative of coconut has proven to be carcinogenic.
  3. Fragrances have proved problematic, too.
  4. Parabens used as preservatives have been implicated in problems with the endocrine system.
  5. Alcohols are dry and irritate the skin and remove the skin’s protective acid mantle of what is susceptible to bacteria, molds and viruses.

Well, now that I gave you the heebie-jeebies about the ingredients of bad boy, let’s start working on the home remedies to restore and maintain healthy skin:

Cleansing: Do not use soap and water, and dehydrating the skin, leaving a residue of soap and hard water deposits. Instead, use 2 or 3 tablespoons of warm milk mixed with 1 / 2 teaspoon of castor oil. Shake the mixture and use a cotton ball, apply the solution upward and outward. Be careful not too near the eyes, though.This is supposed to be more effective at removing dirt and grime that ordinary soap and water. You can complete the routine by applying a thin layer of castor oil in the face to seal in moisture. Make sure you buy castor oil at a health food store to make sure you are using a cold pressed virgin grade castor oil, rather than industrial grade.

Beauty Mask: 1 cup fresh pineapple puree with 1 / 2 cup of fresh papaya. Pour into a bowl and mix in 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply to freshly washed face and neck. Leave the mixture for exactly 5 minutes and then rinse with cold water. There, you just give you an alpha hydroxy facial. The enzyme bromelain in pineapple and papaya enzyme papain to do the heavy lifting to make your face firmer through the production of collagen. This mask sloughs the dead skin cells, evens out skin tone and makes tiny lines less obvious. Honey hydrates the skin. Indeed, it is not necessary to apply this mask more than once a week.

Avocado Treatment: Take the inside of the avocado skin and massage your face just cleaned and neck in gentle sweeps upward and outward. This treatment of a large dry skin!

Apple cider vinegar Rejuvenator: 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar mixed with a tablespoon of boiled water restores the acid mantle covering her skin. Let the mixture cool before applying with cotton balls. Again, we want to avoid the area near the eyes. You can leave this mixture for about 10 minutes. Use this treatment every other day. Very refreshing, if somewhat smelly! I found some of these recipes in an old book of balance and I think they are very effective.

I’ve developed a rule about what I put on my face. If an ingredient is something I feel safe to eat, then it is safe enough to put on my face. If not, then I will not. Remember that your skin is your largest organ, so they need is support, so you can help.

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