
Dry Skin Causes

Dry Skin Causes

Dry skin is an inevitable condition that happens on many occasions. If you’re wondering what makes your skin dry, read on to learn more about this condition and what particular home remedies for dry skin can be helpful.

Dry skin is a condition in which our skin is essential moisture. When a person has dry skin, the skin tends to feel tight and rough. This is because there is not enough moisture to keep it soft and flexible.
Care in many commercials dermis, a way to test if your skin is dry is to run your fingernails over the surface of your skin. Leaving a blank line, as if you’re writing on a blackboard, then it means that your skin is dry.

Causes of Dry Skin

There are many causes of dry skin. The number one cause for dry skin is lack of water intake. We lose a lot of water every day when you sweat or urine. If water is excreted not reset, it makes our skin dry.

Dermis dry condition can also be caused by dry and cold. In winter, especially, the skin tends to dry easily. This is a natural reaction of our skin temperature around us.

Too much bathing can also cause dry dermis. If you spend much time in the shower, the water can zap your skin’s natural moisture.

Poor food choices can also cause dry skin. Food can make or break our skin. If you do not eat enough nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables, the skin will definitely suffer.

Your lifestyle can also cause dry and damaged dermis. Smoking, drinking too much and staying up late at night makes the functioning of skin cells as well. These factors can contribute to dry skin, dull and tired looking.

Some cases of this disease are caused by an underlying skin disorder such as eczema or psoriasis. For cases like this, it is best to find a suitable drug to treat the underlying skin disorder. By keeping the skin hydrated, you should make a habit of drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. Not only will it keep your skin hydrated and moisturized, it can also help eliminate toxins in the body.

Be sure to keep your dermis hydrated at all times by slapping the moisturizer or lotion. Make sure you choose a lotion that contains mild ingredients and hypoallergenic.

Keep your intake of junk food to a minimum and increase fruit and vegetable consumption. A healthy lifestyle can help maintain a youthful skin. Also, refrain from smoking, drinking and staying up late at night.

Besides this, they can also take supplements of vitamins such as vitamin E supplement Vitamin E is known as vitamin perfect for the largest organ so that a daily intake of this vitamin can be very beneficial to your dermis. You can also try some herbal remedies and home for dry skin.

Aloe Vera is a great herbal remedy for dry skin. Aloe vera pulp contains moisture that can help maintain the elasticity and softness of your skin. You can rub the pulp on the skin, leave on and wash it after a few minutes.

Lemon juice is also a natural moisturizer. Applying lemon juice on your skin and let stand for 15 minutes can make it softer, smoother and may even reduce skin discoloration.

Cocoa butter is also a great remedy for this disease. Cocoa butter is a natural softening agent that can hydrate the skin effectively. You can also try shea butter, because it can act in the same way as cocoa butter.

Olive oil is also one to try. This has been a local favorite moisturizer remedy for many celebrities.

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